Answering these questions about their piece will be helpful
An acceptable way to read a poem that you will critique is to first read the entire poem, then listen to the poem or read it out loud, and finally to read it at an appropriate pace for full appreciation of the poem.
1. Did the poem interest you?
A. With something emotional?
B. With something new?
C. With something mentally stimulating?
D. If any of the above was yes, please explain briefly :
2. Was the poem understandable and clear at least on a surface level?
3. Did you find more than one level of meaning to the poem?
A. If yes elucidate:
4. Did you see parts that could be eliminated?
A. If yes which parts?
5. Could this poem be improved?
A. How?
6. Were there words, lines, etc. that seemed awkward?
A. If yes Identify by line and stanza number etc.
7. Did your opinion vary on subsequent readings of the poem?
8. Is this a difficult poem (Does not mean complex)?
9. Will the average reader make an effort to understand this poem or is it too obscure?
10. Is it worth the effort if they do?
An acceptable way to read a poem that you will critique is to first read the entire poem, then listen to the poem or read it out loud, and finally to read it at an appropriate pace for full appreciation of the poem.
1. Did the poem interest you?
A. With something emotional?
B. With something new?
C. With something mentally stimulating?
D. If any of the above was yes, please explain briefly :
2. Was the poem understandable and clear at least on a surface level?
3. Did you find more than one level of meaning to the poem?
A. If yes elucidate:
4. Did you see parts that could be eliminated?
A. If yes which parts?
5. Could this poem be improved?
A. How?
6. Were there words, lines, etc. that seemed awkward?
A. If yes Identify by line and stanza number etc.
7. Did your opinion vary on subsequent readings of the poem?
8. Is this a difficult poem (Does not mean complex)?
9. Will the average reader make an effort to understand this poem or is it too obscure?
10. Is it worth the effort if they do?