Click on a highlighted name to view biography
Beth Adkins
Christine Anthony
Margo (Dill) Balinski *
Bradley Bates
Tammy Benton
Angela Bonomo
Mike Bowlan
Cathleen Callahan
Rose Callahan
Susan Chester
Marsha Clark
Aaron Cole
Emilie Colombatto
Zee Coonen
Sherry Copeland
Bob Crandall
Jeffrey Czuchna
Alice Dames
Jasey DePriest
Tonya Dorsey
Sandra Cowan Dorton
Larry Duerbeck
Nathan Englert
Marcia Estep
Laura Evans
Sue Fritz
Ty Gano
Jo Gardner
Valerie Gaston
James E Gaye Jr.
Marcia Gaye
Colette Gremaud
Jane Hamilton
Jennifer Hasheider *
Debbie Hedges
Emma Howard
Freda Johnson
Denise Judd
Randall Keeton
Mary Jane Kirkou
Tom Klein *
Teresa Lee
Andrea Lewis
Cynthia McClurg
Kelsey McDonnell
Mandi McKay
Cynthia Miller
Michael Montague
Susan Moreland
Terry Moreland
Donald Nations
Kiera Neigh
Teddy Norris
Sheryl Nowak
Jim Nuelle
Marilyn O'Neill
Tara Pedroley
Becky Povich *
Carol Ann Roberson
Mickey Schoonover
Denise Scott
Donnie Shelton
Denise Speck
Mary Anne Speck
Donna Springer
Carol Stone
Les Thompson
Mace Thornton
Betty Titchenal
Lenny Tocco
Beatrice Underwood-Sweet
Alice Vierck
Donna Volkenannt *
Dawn Voss
Bradley D. Watson *
Melva L (Stiehl) Watson
Bob Weismiller
Jacob Weismiller
Marian Weismiller
Tina Wideman
Denise Wilson
Darlene Winter
Susan Zahra
John Zerr
* Past Presidents
If you're a current member who hasn’t submitted your bio or an update but would like to now, you can do so (after logging in) via our Member Bio Form. (The member password is included with each meeting replay and newsletter email. If you need assistance with the member password, please email
If you're a current member who hasn’t submitted your bio or an update but would like to now, you can do so (after logging in) via our Member Bio Form. (The member password is included with each meeting replay and newsletter email. If you need assistance with the member password, please email